Multiclass Theater

Interlude: The Danger Zone

Episode Summary

As the party prepares for their confrontation with Lord Starge, a combined army of Aarakocra and Witches launch an assault on the Iron Citadel.

Episode Notes


Ravermick - Adam

Angelica - Amanda

Lonny - Mike

Roxiel - Rachel 

DM and Producer - Diana  @mctdiana - Twitter, @arrowofartemis - Instagram

Extra Special Guest Stars:

Anca - Cassie  @lovelygmCassie - Twitter    GM and Producer of The Lovelycraftians

King Akrataki - Ariel Jairo  @ariel_j_ortiz -Instagram

Original Music by Adam - Used with permission.


Special thanks to William Shakespeare because we know how hard it is to be the bard.


Sound effects and soundscapes by and sounds used under the Creative Commons License.

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